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Domestic violence is a crime that focuses on the alleged victims of the crime. For many people who have been accused of a crime, this can lead to confusion because similar incidents carry drastically different penalties simply because the so-called victim is “different’.
A conviction for any crime that has an element of domestic violence to it can be very costly. Our attorneys know this and legally represent those who have been accused of domestic violence both in the courtroom and outside of it.
a conviction can be very costly
Domestic violence is not an individual crime
Technically, domestic violence is not an individual crime. Instead, it is an element of criminal actions that make the penalties more severe – similar to an aggravating factor.
In California, the aggravating factor that turns an alleged crime into an allegation of domestic violence is the relationship between you, the defendant, and the purported victim, also known as the complainant. The precise nature of the relationship necessary to turn a normal crime into a crime of domestic violence, however, can change depending on the underlying charge: Some charges require a closer relationship between the defendant and complainant than others.
For example, the type of relationship needed for a criminal charge to become a domestic violence charge is different for the crime of spousal abuse, prohibited by California Penal Code 273.5, then it is for the crime of domestic battery under California Penal Code 243(e)(1). Spousal abuse requires the defendant and complainant to be either:
• Current or former spouses
• Current or former cohabitants
• Fiancés
• Currently or previously in a dating relationship
• Parents of a particular child
a domestic violence charge requires
domestic battery requires
On the other hand, domestic battery is more confined. It requires the relationship between the defendant and complainant to be:
• Current or former spouses
• Current cohabitants
• Fiancés
• Currently or previously in a dating relationship
• Parents of a particular child
We represent people who have been accused of a variety of crimes in and near Los Angeles, including domestic battery and spousal abuse. If you have been accused of hurting someone close to you, hiring an effective defense lawyer can be the difference between a dismissed charge and a conviction.
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We can Help!
PLEASE Call our toll free number 1-866-218-6650 as you will be asked many questions to help find any mistakes, errors and/or omissions in the initial stop, contact and/or detention, what questions were asked, whether there was probable cause to detain and/or arrest, if proper police procedure was correctly followed. We are very thorough and it simply will take too long to type/text back & forth all the questions you will be asked and all the information that we will want to impart to you.
*Difficulty/Price depend on the facts of your case/Traffic Accident, Refusal, High BAC, Additional Offenses, Suspended/Expired/No License, Probation/Parole Violations, Prior DUIs/Alcohol-related offenses, Felonies, Arrest History/Problems, Unsafe Driving/In Custody, Bail/INS Issues, Holds, Warrant Recalls/Number of Appearances, Negotiations, Time, Favorable Result/DMV Hearing, Expert Witness Use, Lab Fees, Probable Cause Hearing, Restitution Hearing, Motion to Suppress/In Limine, if necessary///CASES going to TRIAL/#Witnesses, FELONY DUIs EXTRA///ALL AFFECT PRICE///
**Unless Felony, Probation Violation, or Prior DUIs
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We are Open for Phone Calls Anytime
Day or Night. 7 Days a Week 24//7!!!!!
We are Open for Phone Calls Anytime
Day or Night. 7 Days a Week 24//7!!!!!
CALL Toll Free: 1-866-218-6650